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Mailing List

Use this form to provide your email address to be informed about upcoming special events at Café Margaux and Ulysses'.You can also send comments, questions and suggestion to Café Margaux and Ulysses' or update your mailing address with us.

Having trouble with the form? 
Call us any time 321-639-8343.


print($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);" method="POST" name="BASform" target="_self" id="BASform">

 Comments, Questions, Recommendations and Mailing List Request:


Name (Please) if($_POST['Fullname']){print("value='".$_POST['Fullname']."'");}>
E-Mail, (Required) if($_POST['Email']){print("value='".$_POST['Email']."'");}>
Check Box to Receive
Email Invitations
if( ($_SESSION['BASstatus']=="chaste") || ($_POST['ReceiveEmails']=="Special-Event-Invitations") ){print("checked");} >    We will not share your email address with anyone else.   It will be used solely to keep you informed about upcoming events at Cafe Margaux and Ulysses.
Telephone if($_POST['Telephone']){print("value='". $_POST['Telephone']."'");}>
Fax if($_POST['Fax']){print("value='".$_POST['Fax']."'");}>
Mailing Address 
To avoid spam, we request you enter the characters in the image.

Enter the image characters.
Refresh or submit for a different image,
if submitted incorrectly you can try again.